More than a collab, a pro-model.

La METRO BOLO DODO, une sauce piquante développée et cuisinée avec Whoogy's.
A spicy sauce that goes everywhere, from enhancing the simplest dishes to accompanying the most complicated recipes.
A spicy sauce to place in the middle of the family dinner table alongside salt and pepper, on the coffee table at aperitif time among cheeses and charcuterie, and to keep in your bag to save your lunchtime sandwich.
A universal sauce with the comforting taste of bolognese, made with Belgium's finest tomatoes, Brussels-grown Habanero peppers, and all the basic ingredients of a really, really good bolo sauce, but in a spicy version.
And above all, an ultra-democratic sauce, both in terms of its very accessible strength and its public price of 8€, it's the perfect first step into the world of SWET hot sauces.
Whoogy’s et SWET, une histoire Bruxelloise.
It all starts in January 2021, when Hugo uses FUMADO in one of his very first ever recipes: un fried chicken burger du turfu. This FUMADO came from the first legal batch of SWET, purchased at Petit Mercado in... Saint Gilles, SWET's first retailer...
We weren't out of the covid yet, and he was just starting to create his recipes, armed with his passion for cooking, his talent for content creation, and an extraordinary work ethic.
At SWET, at that time, a batch of 300 bottles literally took 12 hours of solitude, at night in a shared kitchen. The labels were printed on a printer at home, then cut with shears and glued on with glue, the ink fading as the bottle was handled... some of you may remember: it was the Middle Ages of SWET.
We soon met for a TORTURE TEST, and realized right away that we speak the same language; that of food obsessives. Then we made our first video just for fun... (see below)
Since then, Hugo has used our sauce in many of his recipes, without being asked; just because it's one of his favorite products.
A helping hand that gave us a lot of strength.
Things have changed since then, thanks to a lot of hard work on both sides, but the main thing is still there: we're still Whoogy's fan-boys, super proud to be witnesses to his well-deserved success, and Hugo still feeds almost exclusively on FUMADO.
All this to say that today we're extremely proud to put this bromance into concrete form by releasing WHOOGY'S hot sauce, conceived and cooked with him.
The video.
Pour ceux qui ne sont pas au courant, Whoogy’s A.K.A. Hugo est venu tourner une vidéo à la SWET FACTORY, qui montre en détails la genèse de la sauce et notre savoir-faire chez SWET. Pour apprendre tout les secrets de la recette et pour découvrir comment nous avons relevé le défi d'arriver à ce goût de bolo parfait sans y mettre de viande.
Text & images by Thibault Fournal.
Copyright SWET 2025.

Our first collab in 2021: LOS BRUSSELES
The first sauce we made as a collab in 2021, a very special hot sauce that we never sold, and for good reason: we only made 18 bottles... just for the trip.