Natural hot sauces

handmade in Brussels.

Since 2020, we've been at the forefront of the new wave of European hot sauces.

We produce everything from fresh, seasonal, locally grown or organic products.


Pas de poudre, pas d’arômes, pas d’additifs de texture ou de couleur : pas de raccourcis, jamais.

We make our sauces in small batches, using only the finest ingredients: 

Fresh, seasonal ripe fruit from organic or local agriculture.


By working on balanced strengths and tastes, we want to break down wrong ideas about hot sauce, with a healthy product that's at home on any table.

No added water, zero fat and low in calories.


Recipe development, sauce production, bottling, labeling, creation of every logo, every name, every image, graphic design of all media.

Everything is done in-house, at the SWET FACTORY.


Visitez notre boutique pour faire le plein de sauces piquantes.


Our ranges.

We offer three ranges available all year round: Essentials, Super hot & Pro-model.

And many limited editions: Collabs and Seasonals.

Find out more


SWET has no marketing budget that means we don't pay people to use our products or talk about us.

By on the other hand, when we meet someone who really likes the project and interests us, then we work together to come up with a banger collab.

This page features a small selection, visit our instagram page to see more.

Find out more

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